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Verify Your ID

Dear Customer, in order to add funds automatically without any issue you need to verify your ID in your account.

The Data will not be shared and it is encrypted in our database.

The Data only for verify your account and make sure you are real person. 

Please upload correct data. Otherwise, your account will be blocked (we will ask your government for the validly of your ID)

The process very sample : 

1- Login in your account 

2- go to setting and click on Id Verification

ID1.png (254×564)

3- write your info in form 

ID2.png (1268×693)

4- click on save button 

ID3.png (1240×111)

After that  Contact with us Via 

Live Chat if online 

liveChat.png (370×215)

Put your email & Phone Number and send this message (I want verify my id and this my email 

Or You can Contact with us Via Telegram & WhatsApp

Click From Here

contactUs.png (1400×564)

Note: You need to click on the icon to send message to US (Sometimes We Change the number so if you didn't get reply in 12 hours) Check the link again 

رمز "تم التحقق منها بواسطة المنتدى"

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